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Custom Component

At Castor Optics, we develop and manufacture a wide variety of fiber optics components. Our state-of-the-art production facilities and agile team are capable of delivering both small-batch prototypes and high-volume OEM components. Our history of working with industrial R&D groups, research institutes, and academic and national laboratories makes our development abilities versatile.

We can produce components based on combinations of different fiber optics types, for different geometries and various illumination or detection schemes.

See below a few examples of products developed following custom requests.

Our Capabilities

  • Specialized splitters and Wavelength-division Multiplexers (WDM)
  • Custom fiber design
  • Custom packaging such as in-ferrule or in-cannula structures, OEM-compatible, and high-power 
  • Improved performance features such as low auto-fluorescence and high return loss connectors
  • Custom geometries such as half couplers, 3+ fused fiber bundles, mode converters, and tapers

→ For custom product inquiries, please provide the following information to help us better understand your needs:

Optical specifications: Operational central wavelength and range, fiber optic core size and numerical aperture (NA), fiber type (single-mode or multimode), and maximum power level.
Sensing modality: Specify the application, such as fluorescence, confocal, LiDAR, OCT, or spectroscopy.
Mechanical and environmental considerations: Any relevant constraints or requirements for integration and environmental conditions.

Product lines

Need a Custom Product?

Castor Optics offers customized options for all of available products. Please provide a detailed description of your inquiry and our team of scientists and engineers will evaluate your request.