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Mode Selective Photonic Lanterns

Our photonic lanterns are fiber optic devices that efficiently and reciprocally convert N spatial modes between a few-mode structure to N single-mode fibers. They are mode-selective, ensuring that a specific mode is transmitted to a determined single-mode fiber. They feature high isolation and low losses.

Photonic lanterns are particularly useful in applications where the collected signal contains a few modes, while the detection modality requires single-mode light, such as coherent detection or using single-mode operating devices. By connecting every single-mode fiber to a different detector, the photonic lanterns can increase the signal-to-noise ratio by coherently summating the detected photons or achieve additional contrast based on the distinct sensitivity of each mode to a given scattering profile.


Our photonic lanterns are currently available for multiplexing two modes (LP01 and LP11) or three modes (LP01, LP11x, LP11y). They are also available for single-mode operating ranges centered at 850, 1300, and 1550 nm. Our R&D team actively develops additional configurations; contact us to learn more about possibilities.

Key features:

  • Mode Selective
  • High isolation
  • Compact size

Product lines

Applications related to this product

Biomedical Imaging

Optical coherence tomography, Confocal endoscopy, Multimodal imaging

Remote Sensing and Communication

LiDAR, Long-range distance sensing, Free space optics communication

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